Mission & Values


El Llamafante believes in the positive transformative power of vibrant colors on our emotions – Don’t you feel just happier and shinier when you wear color?


In our opinion, it is an act of subversion to dress extravagant and colorful in a world where wearing muted colors and black is the norm.

To wear color as a rebellious act!

Don’t you agree that if you feel good about yourself, you radiate that into the world – you share and move your positive energy unto others?
This is what El Llamafante tries to do and strongly believes in!
Empowering others to not be afraid to be unique & different - to draw attention (¡Llama la atención! ) and to feel confident to stand out.

Here is a quote by Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran:

“I think people think they should fit in as opposed to stand out.
When you go out on the street everyone sort of looks the same.
All wearing uniforms almost.”

El Llamafante’s clothes are definitely not uniforms!


El Llamafante is a woman owned business.
Noëmi who is leading the brand and carefully gathered a small group of people (we are five women including the manufacturers) believes very much in the heart-to-heart connection with everyone who is working with the brand. It is very important to her that everyone appreciates and loves the brand as much as she does and that everyone is happy and satisfied with their work and role in the brand, hence a fair payment is self-evident.
All products are handmade with a lot of care & love, they are even being blessed before they arrive at your door.
Noëmi is involved in every step from buying the fabric to wrapping the clothes and ship them.
We do our best to be sustainable, therefore we also do upcycle our clothes if they haven’t been sold and only do small scale productions to avoid overproduction.

El Llamafante’s clothes is for everyone! <3

Thank you for supporting us and be part of our world!
